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Updated: Apr 6, 2018

James 1:4

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.


Patience.... My grandma had so much patience as we were growing up. I was always jealous of how calmly she could take last minute changes in plans, problems that would arise, etc. Not that she is a saint, but this is one attribute that I am still working on. I usually have a set way in my mind of how I think things should go and when rocks gets stuck in the gears and that process changes, I have to be careful. I need to take a moment and regroup, rethink, try and find the positive out of the situation. This does not always go smoothly. But the Lord is still working on me and this has been one area of my life that he has probably had to remold several times. It is getting better as I get older but there are still some details to work out. I am blessed to say my Grandma is still here on this earth and she is still teaching me how to be patient, but now it is her that I have to be patient with, as she has a hard time remembering things these days.

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