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Deadlines Equal Stress!!

Updated: May 2, 2018

1 Peter 5:7 - Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I woke up this morning... It's May 1st. I have so much to get done. We have a graduation party to get ready for. My husband has made a list of everything we have to get done before then. We will have to schedule time in to bale hay for our horses. We have to find a horse to lease before the 4H deadline of May 15th... yikes. Now, before I even get out of bed I am stressed out for the day. Then, I think to myself, "why am I stressing?" Getting all this anxiety worked up will not get any of these things done for me. It won't change anything that needs to be done.

So, I sat back down to pray. Lord, we have so many things to get done. We already have a full calendar. I cannot handle all of this stress Lord, can you please take this worry from me and work things out in your time? In your word, you tell me to cast all my cares upon you and I need to do that right now. I know you are able to handle my problems, so I hand them over to you. I know you already know exactly what needs to be done and I have faith that you will take care of me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Now comes the hard part, let Him handle it. Don't start worrying again. Go ahead and make your plans and he will make sure everything falls into place if we just trust in him. We can't keep taking the worry back and say "God, you are not getting this done fast enough for me." We have to fully trust that he is able.

When I was a younger christian, someone told me to write the problems down that I was giving to God. Then, physically throw the paper in the trash after I had prayed about them. That was a way to help me feel as though I was tangibly giving my problems away. This did help me at the time, but now I know that God has my back. After all, He formed this world in 7 days, I think he can take care of any of our problems, don't you?

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