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God Wants us to Change Our Mind!

Updated: May 10, 2018

Phillipians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Our minds are constantly thinking... especially women. I don't think my mind ever shuts down until I fall asleep. Hopefully you are not one of the many that have trouble shutting there thoughts off at bed time.

We think (Worry) about so many things.... what we have to get done, where we have to be to pick one of the kids up or what we have to take with us to their soccer practice. What are we going to cook for dinner. Do we have the ingredients at home to get that dinner ready? What yard work needs to be done? How are we going to pay for the car to get fixed?

Sometimes we start to have overwhelming thoughts that we can't possibly do everything that needs to be done; We are failing as a mom, a dad, a husband or a wife? God tells us what to do in his word when these feelings start to flood our mind. I know first hand because I have had all of these feelings and some point in my life. But.... we are to change our mind set. We are to have the opposite thoughts. We are to think on whatever is true, whatever is good, honest, just, pure, things that are lovely, things worthy of praise. He knew we would have these feelings at times and he left instructions in his holy word on how we should change those thoughts into things worthy of praise! Trust in Him and His promises, he knows exactly what we are going through.

You are Awesome. Count your blessings and give the rest to God. Sometimes we just have to scratch things off of our list that aren't important and focus only on the few important things and be amazing at those. Give God all your worries and cares and think on the good things in your life. The positive things make you happy to be the person that God made you to be.

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