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Blessings Jar

James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

This jar is a great concept, but I like to call it a Blessings Jar. God blesses us in so many ways, sometimes we don't even see his work in the small moments of our lives, or 2 months from now we forget what amazing blessing he bestowed upon our lives just that far back.

Write your blessings down, no matter how big or small. Put it in a jar or write them in a book. Look back on it when you are feeling down or when you need assurance that God is working in every little aspect of your life. He provides us with our needs from the home that we live in to the heat or air conditioning that makes us comfortable. He provides our food, our clothing, our transportation. If you don't think so, he provides the job that you have in order to pay for all of these things. Who are you going to call upon if you loose your job?

But more than that........ He gives us the sparkle in our child when the do something good, He allows us to excel in something we are working on, He keeps the spark in a marriage. Write down your good days; what made that day so wonderful? In a bad day, find something in it that allowed you to make it through that day. You can find at least one good thing, you just need to look for it, because no matter what, God was with you in that day. He did not cause the bad day, but he helps you to have the strength to get through. It is through the bad days that we grow and learn to trust in him!

Blessings.... big or small...... God is with you through them all!!!

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