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A Dogs Love

Updated: May 16, 2018

Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that points us to look at a dog on how to love. But for today, I am using a dog as an example of the love that we ought to show one another.

I think sometimes we short ourselves by not giving enough love no matter what we receive in return. If you try to put yourself in the mind of a dog, a dog is sooo happy to see you at any point in the day and is not afraid to show it. A dog cuddles and shows you affection no matter what mood you are in or what type of day you have had. Somehow, even if you come home in the worst mood ever, the absolute joy from a dog can brighten that mood. His/her happy demeanor, wagging tale, endless kisses make it so that you can handle the rest of the day.

This is the way we need to treat our spouses. If you both are always letting the things in your life bring you down, it brings everything and everyone down around you, especially our spouse. I know that my mood is generated from what I am feeling from my husband. I can wake up in the best mood and if he wakes up in a bad mood, he doesn't really have to say anything, it starts making me frustrated and brings me down. We are more likely to be short spoken with each other, which in turn causes arguments.

On the other hand if my husband is in a good mood, I will relate to that and my mood will be more positive and I know its going to be an awesome day. You can turn these circumstances around between him and I and the story is the same. I know that I really don't like being in a bad mood or being short with my husband. I really just want both of us to enjoy the day that we have together no matter what we are doing and I think that he wants the same thing. So maybe we need to think more like the dog.

Greet your husband or wife with that joy, make sure they know you are happy to see them... irregardless of what kind of day you may have had. Talk about your day to one another and find the bright side to the situation that may be bothering them. Embrace your husband or wife and let them know that you are there for them. Be affectionate and tell them you love them often. Even if you are mad at your spouse for the way they are acting. Stop... Think like a dog.... Kiss them all over their face and hug them .... Lick their face if you have too. The mood has absolutely got to get better. If this doesn't work the first time you try it, try, try again. You spouse may just be caught off guard the first time, but they may just love the new attention that you are giving them. Start enjoying one another each and every day! Life is just too short to be in a bad mood all the time. You need to take charge of your marriage and think more like a Dog so that you can so that you can have the kind of relationship you desire!

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