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Updated: Apr 20, 2018

1 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and love, and of sound mind.

This is the verse I have had on my desktop for almost 18 years. It's looking kind of shabby and beat up. I have looked to this verse so many times and repeated it over and over again to myself.

I am not the most outgoing person or the take charge kind of person that my job sometimes requires me to be. This is the verse that I look to when I need the Lord to nudge me along and say "hey... I did not give you fear. That feeling you have is something you have manifested all on your own. I gave you power and love and a sound mind. Use that mind to get the job done that needs to be done". This verse empowers me to be that take charge kind of person that I need to be with God's help of course.

There are all kinds of fears that we face. Fear that we are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough,or worthy of something or someone, etc. Fear robs of of our happiness, of our self worth. Fear is a tool of the devil and he will use it as often as he can. Give your fears to God and let him handle them. You do not have time for fear. Let this verse empower you, to give you strength and power. To know that God is with you in whatever you have to face.

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